Lobster Wall, Mabul, Sabah

Site Overview
Dive Centres
Site Type: Scenic natural reef with lots of nooks and crannies
Depth: Top: 5M Bottom: 19M
Location: On the opposite side of the island to the main jetties

Different dive sites same theme: not sure where all the lobsters were the day we dived Lobster Wall, as all I could find were eels. Not surprising though, as eels probably love the same kind of habitat that lobsters do.

I swear this Snowflake moray was laughing, …

Snowflake eel speaks diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

… this Fimbriated moray was roaring, …

Fimbriated moray speaks diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

… whilst this White-eyed moray was a bit worried about the spikes.

White-eyed moray diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

The term “Wall” is a little bit of a misnomer too. Here we see Turtle 54 is cleared for take-off.

Turtle 54 you are clear for take-off diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

Something in the water here, or possibly a lack of something, seems to make the colours more vivid. I’ve never see a Spinecheek anemonefish quite so scarlet.

Spinecheek anemonefish diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

Likewise, the Mimic surgeonfish appears as an almost colourful fish.

Mimic surgeonfish diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

And the Square-spot anthias appears in all his glory.

Square-spot anthias diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

Even the Banded coral shrimp shines from behind the urchins spines.

Banded coral shrimp diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

Here we have a Flatworm I have not been able to identify.

Flatworm black with two yellow stripes and orange margin diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

And a White Mantle Ardeadoris – planking!

White Mantle ardeadoris diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

Meanwhile, out in the blue a moonlike jellyfish pulses by…

Moonlike jellyfish diving Lobster Wall at Mabul Sabah Malaysia by Diveplanit

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